Exploiting Github Token

Github’s Personal Access token use for Authentication and leaving it somewhere in your configs or notes can leads to disaster depending on how much access you have given to this token. Anyone with access to this token can gain unauthorize access to your github account and misuse it for their advantages. For example: Read or write to private repos Delete Repos Modifying Code Access Sensitive Data Escalating Privileges, changing repo setting, etc....

January 30, 2025 · 4 min

Git Notes

What is Git? Git is a Distributed Version Control System that mainly used for Source code management by developers. Git basically divides your code into three part. Working Area Staging Area Head or commit Working Area is your state of code before running the git add command. The files in here also known as “untracked files”. To add the files into git you do git add and they moved to staging area....

December 20, 2024 · 2 min

Aws Services Simply Explained

This is the list of AWS resources required for Entry level devops interview preparation. Sometimes we struggle to explain the definition we already know it’s usecase in simpler terms. So I curated this list. The ones written in Italian is my own hand crafted lines while others mostly generated from Gemini Ai. EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Like renting virtual computers in the cloud, you can run whatever software you want on them....

December 16, 2024 · 3 min

Aws in Plain English

AWS in Plain English I was searching one liner meaning for aws services and I came across some interesting websites: Meaning of AWS Services in one line https://adayinthelifeof.nl/2020/05/20/aws.html https://expeditedsecurity.com/aws-in-plain-english/ Those I need EC2 - Virtual Private Servers Lambda - Programming Functions you can run but can costs a fortune S3 - File Storage (unmountable) EFS - Mountable Network Disks RDS - Managed Relational Database VPC - Virtual Private Network (consider as VLANs)...

December 10, 2024 · 1 min


New Domain purchased. Recently I just purchased new domain “sarangwandile.xyz” from godaddy. but something didint go well. As soon i purchased it it went into black list of Spam Eating Monkey SEM-FRESH — Domains registered in the last 5 days SEM-FRESH10 — Domains registered in the last 10 days SEM-FRESH15 — Domains registered in the last 15 days SEM-FRESH30 — Domains registered in the last 30 days And I was panick as It was rufusing to load my github pages static website (which would be this one)...

December 6, 2024 · 2 min


This is First blog I have created this using hugo new content blog/firstblog.md Its simple command you see.

December 5, 2024 · 1 min

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.